Aging in Place
For many older adults, the desire to "stay in my own home" is a key part of what defines successful aging. The goal to age in place or in a community that enables older adults to thrive is common as individuals have healthier and longer lives. Achieving successful aging involves thoughtful planning, setting meaningful goals, making informed decisions, accessing necessary services and support, and smoothly transitioning into the next stage of life.

The population is growing older nationally as the baby boomer generation ages. Communities across the State and the Country are developing strategies to help create environments supportive of these individuals as they grow older, and Pleasant Ridge is no exception. As identified in the Demographics Section, 17 percent of residents are over 65 and the Southeastern Michigan Council of Governments has projected that to increase to 23 percent by 2050. During the public engagement process residents identified the ability to age in place as third highest concern for the community into the future. 51 percent of respondents ranked accessibility and availability of services and amenities for older adults as good or excellent. Some shared concerns over the increase in property taxes for accessibility renovations and the need for transportation to amenities as potential improvements in addressing these needs.
In 2022 the Michigan Commission on Services to the Aging issued the report Aging in Place, Aging in the Community, which identified five domains of focus for successful aging in place. Most pertinent to local governments are the strategies for Aging in Community. This domain identifies housing options to create age friendly and caregiver friendly communities. Additionally, the State of Michigan and many Michigan communities have committed to the AARP Livable Communities network. These guidelines and resources help shape the recommendations of this Plan.
Pleasant Ridge has a variety of supportive services for seniors, especially through the Parks and Recreation Department. The city is also well connected with adequate curb cuts and a fully connected sidewalk network. There are limitations to increasing housing and addressing housing costs given that the community is fully developed.
Caregiver Friendly Communities
Another component of supporting residents who want to stay in their home or community is to support caregivers. Communities can provide help to unpaid family members, friends, and neighbors who provide care for older persons with disabling conditions. Many of the supportive services for seniors also help alleviate the burden of caregiving. Specifically allowing housing conditions that allow older individuals to live near caregivers but still stay somewhat independent can create a significant benefit for caregivers.
Livable Communities
The AARP Livable Communities Program defines a livable community “as one that is safe and secure, has affordable and appropriate housing and transportation options, and has supportive community features and services. Once in place, those resources enhance personal independence; allow residents to age in place; and foster residents’ engagement in the community’s civic, economic, and social life.” The Livable Communities Assessment for Pleasant Ridge highlights the following opportunities broken into the following categories:
Housing – Affordability and access are the main items for evaluation and as mentioned previously Pleasant Ridge has structural challenges to providing access to more affordable housing options given that the city built out. If there are opportunities in the future to consider redevelopment of the Ferndale School’s site at Ridge Road and Cambridge. Additionally, there is limited opportunity to add additional types of housing such as condominiums or apartments along Woodward Avenue. As part of this plan the City is also considering allowing accessory dwelling units, which would increase access and be especially supportive of potential caregivers in the community
Neighborhoods – Pleasant Ridge neighborhoods are well served by the access to amenities like parks, the Community Center, and the close vicinity to grocery stores in neighboring communities. Close-knit neighborhoods also provide a social safety net for seniors who may be living independently.
Transportation – The community has increased access to a variety of transportation types including more dedicated bike lanes, which helps promote an active lifestyle for seniors. The community is walkable but access to everyday services mostly requires a car. The community does provide limited transportation for seniors to get to necessities.
Health – Seniors, as well as the rest of the community, have universal access to exercise opportunities both through outdoor recreation and the facilities in the Community Center.
Engagement – Civic and social involvement is important in maintaining connection and mental fitness. Senior residents have access to a variety of programming and intentional communication from the city.

Principles of Universal Design
Universal Design is a framework for creating spaces, products, and environments that are accessible and functional for everyone, regardless of age or ability. By integrating features like no-step entrances, wider doorways, and accessible controls, universal design supports aging in place, allowing older adults to stay in their homes safely and comfortably as they age. This approach aligns with the goals of aging in place by fostering independence, reducing the need for costly renovations, and enhancing accessibility within the home and community.
As highlighted above, Pleasant Ridge has several existing supports for seniors who choose to age in place. The city could also consider becoming an age-friendly community through AARP. Joining this program would begin with joining the network, indicating that the community is committed to allowing individuals age in place. It would be followed by conducting a community assessment and developing an action plan based on the assessment results. Given the size of Pleasant Ridge some of the recommended actions may not be feasible, but inclusion in the network can better help communities understand best practices. Another first step could be providing links to universal design resources on the City’s website for individuals modifying their homes.
Additionally, sometimes outdoor ramps, lifts, and other accessible modifications are not allowed due to setback requirements and lot coverage regulations. These and other Universal Design alterations may not meet strict variance standards when being considered by the Zoning Board of Appeals. The City could consider amendments to the ordinance to allow provisions that create latitude for setbacks and other requirements to more easily allow for accessibility improvements.